Saturday 17 March 2012

I'm Back!!!!

I haven't posted for a couple years because , well just because. Lots of things have happened including another grandchild, Ellady Paige, born on Sept 30th 2009 and me turning fifty. I've taken a photography course and started my knitting again so I'm going to use my blog as a place to post my photos of my creations and other subjects. I might write the odd post as well, ha ha!
Anyway, since this is the eve of Mother's Day I thought I'd write about my kids and how I feel about being a mum. I always wanted to be a mum, I never had any ambition to be a teacher, nurse, whatever, I only ever wanted to get married and have kids. Thankfully I achieved that, four times. Each pregnancy was different as was each birth but one thing they all had in common was the rush of all consuming love that I felt when I looked upon the face of the baby I held in my arms. From the moment they were born, I loved each one in such an intense way that I knew my heart would always belong to them. And it has.
Motherhood isn't an easy journey. It is filled with pot holes, twists in the road, mountains to climb and canyons to cross but is the greatest adventure a woman can ever take. Sometimes it's hard, sometimes it's unrewarding, sometimes it's downright frustrating and your purse will always be empty but when your child smiles at you, hugs you, kisses you and tells you he loves you, it hits home that all the hard work is worth it for the reward that money cannot buy, a heart full of love.
I have loved my own adventure and continue to do so even though they are now grown and don't need me as much. I wouldn't have missed it for the world. I probably would have been richer in monetary terms but I'd rather have an empty purse than an empty heart.