Wednesday, 19 September 2007

K is for Kalem

Kalem is my first grandson, born on June 23rd 2005. That boy is the apple of my eye! He is a bundle of adventure wrapped in a blanket of wonder! He is just entering the 'Why' stage. All you parents know what I'm talking about here. When my kids went through it years ago, I used to get so fed up having to answer questions that just resulted in another, 'why' but now I'm a seasoned veteran and I can answer away all day!
Kalem never stops moving, he is constantly looking for something to touch, eat, pull apart and investigate. He is amazed by the smallest of things, like how a worm keeps moving when you chop it in half (actually, so am I) and spiders webs. He loves getting dirty in the garden or anywhere else. He likes splashing in puddles and running in the rain. He sometimes even likes sitting still and drawing pictures for grandma but not for long though! When he shouts, 'Grandma' my heart leaps and when he runs into my arms for a kiss and a cuddle I melt. He is great fun to be around and as grandma I can be silly with him.
But the best bit about being his grandma, I can send him home when I've had enough!

Sunday, 9 September 2007

J is for Jamie

Jamie is my youngest son. As I've explained in an older post, he is Special Needs. He was born 9 weeks early, weighing just over 2lbs. He came home at 4 months old and just never progressed. By the time he was 10 months old I knew there was something wrong. He wasn't rolling over, sitting up, trying to crawl or reacting to people. I managed to get him into an assessment program where they decided he was Special Needs but didn't know what was actually wrong with him. At 18 months he was seen by a genetisist and I think the Lord was with me that day. The doctor we saw had written his thesis on Dubowitz Syndrome so knew as soon as we walked in the room what was wrong with Jamie. I was given some information on it but there wasn't much known about it really. Unfortunately, Jamie has it in it's most severe form so his outlook wasn't good. It was probable he wouldn't walk, talk or look after himself.
However, owing to great perserverance and excellent Special Needs schooling, Jamie walked at three years, began to form words at five years, feed himself at six years, toilet himself at 10 years.
He is still very far from being able to look after himself and will never actually be able to live independantly but he has made great strides in his life. Every new skill he learns is a great achievement. He will always have the mental ability of a five/six year old but that doesn't matter to us. He is a happy, sociable boy who loves being around people. He loves going to church, to parties, to the theatre and restaurants. His great love is music, especially the guitar. He has never been able to learn to play but he strums his guitar and sings his songs in his own special way.
As Mormons, we believe that people like Jamie are valiant, perfect spirits who have no need to be tested like the rest of us. They will go straight back to God's presence and live with him. So it is one of the greatest blessings to have the chance to nurture them in our families.
I consider it an honour to have Jamie in my life. He is my precious treasure who teaches me many things, like patience and the joy simple things bring in life. I love him just the way he is and would never change my special boy.


We just got Sky+ and I love it!
Our video broke down a couple of weeks ago and we've been considering getting a Freeview Hard drive box. Then we saw the advert for Sky+. The last time I enquired about it Sky weren't in a position where they had competition so it would have cost me £199 to get the box, £50 fitting and £20 extra a month on my subscription because we have multiroom. I wasn't paying that and felt that as a loyal customer for over 10 years they should be offering me something a little better!
Then came Virgin Media. Now Sky has competition from Mr Branson and even BT are bringing out a box so they have had to back track to keep their customer base. The advert said, one off payment of £99, free fitting and no extra to pay each month. Woooohoooo, I was in the market for that!
So now we have a shiny new Sky+ box. Why do I love it, you're asking? Well......


You think that's sad don't you? I know you do, LOL. But honestly how many times have you been in that situation where you are so looking forward to just sitting down and relaxing in front of the telly to watch a program and the phone rings, the doorbell goes, somebody needs feeding, etc, etc. You have to miss half of the program and can't get into it once you've missed the beginning. Or you miss it all and it's the vital conclusion to a series. It's annoying isn't it!
Well with Sky+ that never has to happen. You can pause live tv, I know how cool is that! You press the pause button and it stops the programme then you press play and it starts from where you paused it. Or you can record it onto the hard drive and save till later. But the best thing is the Series Link. You record the first episode, press Series Link and it remembers and records every episode for you. I'll never have to miss an episode of Lost or CSI again.
I love modern technology!