Gosh, it's ages since I've written anything. So here's a quick catch up on what's happening at chez Beech.
Hubby and I had a midweek break to Rome at the end of June. Jamie went to France with his school so we jetted off too. Rome is a wonderful place and there is so much to see but I wouldn't recommend doing it in summer. Honestly, walking around in 38 degree heat with no shade and no breeze is no joke. The heat really got to me and most days I was absolutely beaten by 3 o' clock, needing to sit and chill out for a couple of hours. The siesta is such a good idea and I see now why they do it! The sights are amazing, especially St Peter's Church, so I'm pleased we went but I wouldn't go back.
Jamie had a great time in France and has now officially left school. He went to his prom, looking all grown up and enjoyed himself immensely. He is loving his time at home, so it will be a shock to his system going to college in September.
Anyway, as to the title of this little missive, I've gone all gardener. After we've had the back garden paved over I suddenly decided to grow my own veg! So I've got all sorts of buckets and pots, full of veg, on my patio. I've already had a crop of beetroot and spring onions and believe me, they are so much better when you've grown them yourself. I have red onions, green peppers, sweetcorn, carrots, peas, french beans, rhubarb, strawberries and lettuce all growing merrily. I also have tomatoes and cucumber in my green house which have been cropping nicely for three weeks now.
It isn't really about the money saving aspect, it's about the pure pleasure of seeing the green shoots coming through, then the fruits appearing. Picking and eating veg you have grown is so satifying. It gives me such a buzz making a salad from my own veg. I've been a bit haphazard this year and haven't really planned my garden properly but I'm still pleased with the results. Next year, I'll be more organised but I know it will give just as much pleasure.
I'm not about to dig up the patio though. Container gardening is a lot easier and less backbreaking than having a veg plot. And I've proved you can grow your own even without a garden!