Wednesday, 19 November 2008

I'm Menopausal!

Well, I have finally reached that milestone every woman dreads, the menopause. I have been peri-menopausal for about three years which is the beginning apparently. I haven't been to the doctors or anything, I just figured it out. My periods have been awry for years and then they started getting less frequent. I've gone a full year without one now so I guess that makes me officially a member of the club. Although, I haven't really suffered major symptoms. I do have the odd hot flush, usually in bed when I throw off all the covers, annoying hubby somewhat, then wake up shivering and hike the covers all onto my side, upsetting him again! I have suffered a few mood swings, but hubby insists that they are normal and nothing to do with the menopause. I've also been a little forgetful lately, you know walking into a room and forgetting what you came for, and I am tired a lot too.
Reading that back, I see I have all the symptoms really! So there we have it, I'm officially middle aged. Am I bothered?
Not on your life! I love not having periods every month. They were the bane of my life. No more horrible cramps, no more PMS. I love it.
I've seen some women hating every minute of it, but not me! Here's to old age and all it's freedom!