Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Fourteenth Wedding Anniversary

Today is our wedding anniversary. We wanted to get married on Valentines Day but it fell on a Sunday that year so had to make do with the 13th. Some said it was a bad omen but I've never been superstitous and we proved the doubters wrong. It really doesn't seem like 14 years ago but I can honestly say that I have enjoyed every single year.

Not that it's all been plain sailing, by any stretch of the imagination. We've had ups and downs (sometimes it felt like more downs than ups) but we have survived them all. I know there'll be a few more bumps along the road to eternal bliss but I believe we know each other so well by now we can weather almost any storm. We have a mutual respect for each other and we are not just husband and wife but best friends too. I think that's the key to a happy marriage, that and being able to laugh together.

Don't get me wrong, John isn't the perfect man. Sometimes he annoys the h**l out of me. But we're soulmates and I wouldn't be without him for anything. However, I could be persuaded to leave if Mel Gibson ever came knocking........

1 comment:

cindy said...

Aww! lovely pic! Oh that wedding dress took some getting! Remember??!! LOL! I still have a chuckle to myself when I think back of the trips we tried to make and the adventures we had just for that elusive wedding dress! LOL!!