God was working late on the 6th day of creation when an angel came by and said, "Lord, why are you spending so much time on this?"
The Lord answered "This is a mother and I have many specifications to meet. She must be washable, have more than 200 moving parts, all of which must be replaceable, be able to function on all kinds of food, embrace several children at the same time, give a hug that can heal everything from a bruised knee to a broken heart and she must do all this with only two hands."
The angel was impressed, "Just two hands.....impossible! And this is the standard model? Why Lord that is far to much work for one day. Wait until tomorrow to finish."
God stood back and declared, "No, she must be finished tonight and she will be my favourite creation. She will be able to work 18 hours in a day and cure herself when sick."
The angel touched the mother and said, "Lord, you have made her so soft."
"She is soft," said God, "but I have also made her strong. You can't imagine what she can endure and overcome."
"Can she think?" asked the angel.
"Not only that, she can negotiate and reason," said the Lord.
The angel touched the mother's cheek, "Lord, it seems your creation is leaking, you have put to many burdens on her."
"She isn't leaking, that is her tears," the Lord corrected the angel.
"What are they for?" asked the angel.
"Tears are her way of expressing her grief, her doubts, her love, her lonliness, her suffering and her pride."
The angel cried, "Lord you are a genius. You have thought of everything, A mother is indeed a marvellous creation!"
"Yes, she is," smiled the Lord, "and she would be perfect except for one flaw."
The angel looked puzzled, "What is it, Lord? And how will you fix it?"
The Lord smiled and said, "Oh, I will not need to fix it. Her children will do that for me. It is simply this, SHE ALWAYS FORGETS WHAT SHE IS WORTH.
Happy Mother's Day to all mother's around the world. And please remember your worth.
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