Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all my readers. If there are any out there! See you in 2008.
Saturday, 22 December 2007
Friday, 14 December 2007
The Plaster is OFF!

I got my plaster off on Wednesday. What joy! But I thought I'd go back to normal walking straight away. No such luck. My foot still hurts and I'm still limping. The doc said it would ease the more I use it but not to overdo things to soon. Doesn't he know it's just two weeks to Christmas! And I haven't bought anything yet! Of course I'm going to overdo things! So I'll pop a few Ibuprofen and just get on with it, like we women always do. No slacking for us at this time of year.
If it wasn't for me we wouldn't have Christmas in our house. Hubby loves all the trimmings, food, etc but he doesn't 'do' shopping or anything else. He partakes while I prepare! He does try to help but does it so badly I end up getting annoyed at him and telling him to go away. And if he comes shopping with me, he questions whether we need everything I put in the trolley, so I leave him at home in blissful ignorance!
Thursday, 13 December 2007
R is for Reading
I love reading. I always have. From an early age, I have loved stories. I couldn't wait to learn to read when I was young. I loved snuggling up with mum and having a story read to us but I wanted so much to be able to read for myself. Once I could read I became voracious. I just wanted to read all the time. I remember having to read all the Janet and John books at infant school which were so stupid to me. To me they weren't real books. There was a whole series that seemed to go forever and I couldn't wait to finish them. I was the first in the class to read them all and I got to go to the school library and choose my own reading book. I thought I'd died and gone to heaven! I don't remember which book I chose but I remember the joy of having so many to choose from.
Then there was the Christmas when I was about nine years old and every present I unwrapped was a book. I was ecstatic to have so much reading to do. I didn't care that I hadn't received the latest doll/toy I just snuggled down and got stuck in to all my lovely books.
I read every Enid Blyton book (she was my favourite author,) every Grimms fairy tale, every Hans Anderson, and so many others I can't even name. I was transported to many an exciting world and adventure through my books and used to read them over and over again. I still have the Big Red Book of Stories that mum and dad bought me for that special Christmas. It is full of classic stories like Peter Pan, the Wizard of Oz, fairy tales, poetry and nursery rhymes. It is one of my most prized possessions and I have read it several times over the years. I have used it as a story book for my own children who always loved sitting down with The Big Book and choosing a story.
I don't get the chance to read as much as I used to but that doesn't diminish my love of reading. I will still stay awake all night to finish a good book and when given the chance can sit and read a book in one day. I have been in love with detective fiction for many years and now read mostly that but I have read all of Catherine Cookson and Audrey Howard, some Barbara Cartland and Mills and Boon, one or two factual and the odd biography so have a very eclectic reading history.
I believe the greatest gift we can give our children is a love of reading. With the advent of computers and so many electronic games players, reading books is going out of fashion.
That's a crying shame because a world without books would be the saddest place to be!
Then there was the Christmas when I was about nine years old and every present I unwrapped was a book. I was ecstatic to have so much reading to do. I didn't care that I hadn't received the latest doll/toy I just snuggled down and got stuck in to all my lovely books.
I read every Enid Blyton book (she was my favourite author,) every Grimms fairy tale, every Hans Anderson, and so many others I can't even name. I was transported to many an exciting world and adventure through my books and used to read them over and over again. I still have the Big Red Book of Stories that mum and dad bought me for that special Christmas. It is full of classic stories like Peter Pan, the Wizard of Oz, fairy tales, poetry and nursery rhymes. It is one of my most prized possessions and I have read it several times over the years. I have used it as a story book for my own children who always loved sitting down with The Big Book and choosing a story.
I don't get the chance to read as much as I used to but that doesn't diminish my love of reading. I will still stay awake all night to finish a good book and when given the chance can sit and read a book in one day. I have been in love with detective fiction for many years and now read mostly that but I have read all of Catherine Cookson and Audrey Howard, some Barbara Cartland and Mills and Boon, one or two factual and the odd biography so have a very eclectic reading history.
I believe the greatest gift we can give our children is a love of reading. With the advent of computers and so many electronic games players, reading books is going out of fashion.
That's a crying shame because a world without books would be the saddest place to be!
Saturday, 8 December 2007
Naughty Blogger!

I've been a very naughty blogger. I haven't written anything for ages. I must do better. That can be my new year resolution, I must be a better blogger!
I get my plaster off on Wednesday. I'm so pleased, I'm fed up of being housebound. I'm so used to just going out in the car when I want to. It's been awful being cooped up in the house all day. I'm really going a bit stir crazy and can't wait to get out and do some serious Christmas shopping. I've bought some things online but it just isn't the same. I like browsing the shops this time of year (any time of year), searching for presents and listening to the Christmas carols. It just adds to the feeling of Christmas for me. I love Christmas, it's my favourite holiday.
I love the songs, the crowds, the decorations, the whole nine yards. Jamie still enjoys Christmas as much as a child so watching him open his presents is still enjoyable and gives me a lump in my throat. And Christmas dinner is my favourite meal! Jamie and I are going to my mum and dad for Christmas Day because John is working all day this year. It would be awful to be on my own so we're going to mum's. Thank heaven for mum and dad!
I get my plaster off on Wednesday. I'm so pleased, I'm fed up of being housebound. I'm so used to just going out in the car when I want to. It's been awful being cooped up in the house all day. I'm really going a bit stir crazy and can't wait to get out and do some serious Christmas shopping. I've bought some things online but it just isn't the same. I like browsing the shops this time of year (any time of year), searching for presents and listening to the Christmas carols. It just adds to the feeling of Christmas for me. I love Christmas, it's my favourite holiday.
I love the songs, the crowds, the decorations, the whole nine yards. Jamie still enjoys Christmas as much as a child so watching him open his presents is still enjoyable and gives me a lump in my throat. And Christmas dinner is my favourite meal! Jamie and I are going to my mum and dad for Christmas Day because John is working all day this year. It would be awful to be on my own so we're going to mum's. Thank heaven for mum and dad!
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