I got my plaster off on Wednesday. What joy! But I thought I'd go back to normal walking straight away. No such luck. My foot still hurts and I'm still limping. The doc said it would ease the more I use it but not to overdo things to soon. Doesn't he know it's just two weeks to Christmas! And I haven't bought anything yet! Of course I'm going to overdo things! So I'll pop a few Ibuprofen and just get on with it, like we women always do. No slacking for us at this time of year.
If it wasn't for me we wouldn't have Christmas in our house. Hubby loves all the trimmings, food, etc but he doesn't 'do' shopping or anything else. He partakes while I prepare! He does try to help but does it so badly I end up getting annoyed at him and telling him to go away. And if he comes shopping with me, he questions whether we need everything I put in the trolley, so I leave him at home in blissful ignorance!
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