Tuesday 1 January 2008

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year everybody. I hope it's a prosperous one for us all. And hopefully we'll have no broken bones this year!
I don't 'do' resolutions because I never stick to them, like diets. So there will be no promises here, to do this or keep to that. I will just muddle along like I always do. I shall be starting the diet again though.
I do it every year and take off about a stone to start with then get complacent and slip back into my naughty habits. The lost weight goes back on and I start again for holidays/birthday/christmas, lose a stone then.......... you get the picture! So depending on when you see me, I'm either slimmer or fatter! I can't just be slimmer or slimmer, that would require to much willpower. Something I lack, I'm afraid.
Ahhhh well, here's to a slimmer/fatter New Year, whatever it is, I just hope it's a happy one!

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