Monday 5 November 2007

In the Wars Again

I fell over again on Friday afternoon. This time it was our front drive where the accident happened, so nice and embarrassing to be spreadeagled across the pavement for everybody to see! I knew I'd hurt myself badly from the pain in my foot and wrist but thought better of attending hospital, as you do. The 'I'll be all right tomorrow' mentality kicks in for some reason and I hobbled in the house where I proceeded to get worse. I had to ask my parents to come round and help because I couldn't walk at all. And I'd left it to late to go to hospital so had to wait till Saturday morning.
The x-rays at A&E showed I'd definitely fractured a bone in my right foot and the nurse was 90% certain I'd fractured my left wrist. I had to have a temporary plaster fitted to my foot and wrist because the plaster tech doesn't work at the weekend! How stupid is that? The weekend is when most people end up breaking some part of their anatomy yet nobody should because mr plasterman isn't there!
The nurse then handed me a pair of crutches, telling me not to put any weight on my foot at all. DUHHHHH, I had a broken wrist and had to hop about on crutches for two days, until I could get a proper plaster on Monday. Guess who spent the weekend confined to bed, dosed on painkillers and dreading each trip across the landing to the toilet? The two longest days of my life, I can tell you!
Anyway, today I got a weightbearing plaster so can walk about but still need the crutches. I find out on Wednesday whether my wrist is broken when I visit the fracture clinic. It certainly feels like it is when I'm using those crutches. If so, that's my wrist and leg in plaster till middle of December. Watch me be real lucky and have to keep them on over Christmas!
Good job I gave up drinking, though isn't it!

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