Thursday 15 November 2007

Q is for Queueing

Okay, you try finding something beginning with 'Q' to write about. This was the best I could come up with.
We Brits have queueing down to a fine art. We are a nation of queuers (is that a word?). We queue, therefore we are.
We queue for buses, at the supermarket, at the cinema, everywhere we go. We even join queues just to see what we are queueing for. And do we moan about queueing, you bet we do. We hate it with a vengeance but if anybody dare's to question our right to queque we defend it wholeheartily.
It's totally a British concept though. I've been to France, Spain, Cyprus and America and none of them know how to queue. They just crowd and the one who is quickest gets to the front. It causes chaos! People push and shove, no excuse me's offered. It would be far easier if they just queued!
Queueing ettiquette demands that you always join the queue at the END. To jump a queue is the worst crime you can commit. Your fellow queuers will bay for your blood if you ever try this. You risk being ejected from the queue all together. If you are invited to the front by anybody official, you will be safe but will have to run the gauntlet of dirty looks and muttered insults from the rest of the queue. After all, what makes you so special, that you don't have to queue.
Occasionally, you can use the 'Can I go in front of you, I'm in a hurry,' excuse. Usually you will be given permission, because we are a civilised and polite nation and always allow this if asked politely. However, if you do this to often you will soon become known as a deliberate queue jumper and people will start to shun you and look at you funny and mutter in your presence.
So, the next time you are queueing at the post office for a stamp and the person in front of you has a trillion bags of change that she needs weighing and the one in front of her has fifty thousand forms that need stamping and the next one has twenty bags full of parcels that need sending with proof of postage, remember that queueing keeps us civilised and orderly.
Failing that, pretend you're in a hurry!

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