Tuesday 9 October 2007

L is for Lacey and Love

I had to write about Lacey, didn't I? She is my little princess. She has her daddy's curly hair and big brown eyes and is the most beautiful, adorable, gorgeous, lovely (you get the picture!) baby girl ever born. She is a contented, happy baby and is always smiling. She is crawling and walking around the furniture now so everything has to be baby-proofed against her little fingers. She follows her big brother around like a little puppy but he thinks she's more of a nuisance at the moment. My grandchildren are so precious and to have the little girl I've always wanted is wonderful. It's so nice to be able to buy dolls and girly stuff for once instead of cars and tough stuff!

And then there's luuuurrrrrrvvvvvve. I've always been a romantic, reading Barbara Cartland novels from the age of thirteen. I know, I know those awful slushy romances aren't anything like real life but to a thirteen year old who believed in white knights on chargers, they were wonderful. I graduated from them to Mills and Boon at around age sixteen so I guess I had no taste in authors for awhile. But those books fed my belief that there is somebody out there who is your true soul mate and one day you will find them. I kissed quite a few frogs before I found mine but once I did, I knew.
The old saying that 'It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all,' is so true. I have had my heart broken a few times but to have never experienced the heady feeling of being in love would have been far worse. When I was young I fell 'in love' at the drop of a hat but soon realised that there is a whole lot more to being in love than butterflies in the stomach and loss of appetite.
Being in love with somebody requires a lot of effort!
It is wanting the best for that person, giving as much as taking, making sacrifices, being a friend, not being able to imagine life without them, putting up with their friends, their hobbies and their weird ways and taking the good with the bad. It's a rush when it first hits you then settles into a warm, comfortable feeling that grows with your life together. Sometimes it hurts like hell and other times it gives you goosebumps but it always makes your life worth living.

1 comment:

Nikki W said...

Gale - I love your blog, it looks amazing. I can tell you put a lot of time and effort into it and it really pays off. Its nice to know a little bit more about you.

Will chat online again soon on UKScrappers.