Thursday 4 October 2007

Another birthday!

It was my birthday on Monday. I'm not saying how old I was but I was born in 1960!
I certainly don't feel my age (well not always), inside I feel like I'm still eighteen. Somebody asked me if I wished I still was but I can honestly say a resounding NO to that. I wouldn't want to go back to my teenage years, all that angst about boyfriends and makeup and fashion. Then there's the whole bringing up babies years after that. No, I like being where I am now. My life is my own, the boys are grown and making their own way in the world and I have time to relax.
I like being middle aged. I don't have to fit in with my peers, I don't have to worry about finding a partner and I can wear comfy shoes and big knickers without feeling old fashioned!

So I embrace my age and say to you all, age is just a state of mind. Here's my recipe for a happy life, I aim to follow to the letter!

Act your shoe size not your age, occasionally, laugh everyday and go skidding into old age with glee!

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