Sunday 14 October 2007

M is for Mathew and Mother

Mathew is my third son. He is the most laid back of my kids. He is quiet and keeps his own company much of the time but he is good fun when he lets you in! He was my baby until Jamie came along and very much mine. He was the one who always wanted to sit on my knee and have a cuddle. He has always been a very sensitive lad who wears his heart on his sleeve. He is very emotional, very caring and thoughtful. I worry most about him as he has never been a streetwise person, he has a kind of innocence about him and he could easily be taken advantage of. However, he is living on his own in a flat and has been promoted to warehouse manager at the shop he works for so he really has blossomed and come into his own.

I need to write about my mum because she is so important to me. She has always been my best friend. She is a shining light in my life and I've always tried to follow the example she sets.
My mum is one of the most loving and caring people I have ever met. She once sent my dad out with a coat to give to a lady who used walk past our house. Mum had noticed this lady had never worn a coat even on the coldest days so she had my dad take one of hers. The lady was so appreciative and wore that coat for many years. Mum didn't want praise for it or adulation, she just saw somebody in need and she fulfilled it. That's the kind of person she is.
When we were growing up, my mum would not let us argue and fight, she encouraged us to love each other and to sort our differences out in other ways. She never raised her hand to us, she was always able to discipline us in a loving way. She is also great fun to be around. Whenever we were upset she could always get us laughing by doing silly dances and singing silly songs. She loves her family with an unconditional love and shows it every day.
She also loves the gospel of Jesus Christ. She tries her hardest to live the principles of our faith and is one of the humblest people I've ever met. She reads the scriptures every day and can teach the most awesome lessons. She used to be Gospel Doctrine teacher and everybody loved her class. Now she teaches in Relief Society and her lessons are always interesting and uplifting.
She has been married to my dad for 49 years this December and they are so good together. My mum is the one who keeps my dad on the right path. My dad adores her and tells everybody what a blessing she is to him. Their marriage is solid because it is built on mutual love and respect for each other. As parents they are a great example of what love can accomplish.
I love my mum so much and I hope that I have been even half as good to my kids as she has been to us.

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