Thursday 23 August 2007

G is for Girlfriends

Every woman needs girlfriends. I'm not talking about the ones we pass the time of day with or meet up with now and again. I'm talking real girlfriends, the ones you know will still like you after you've done, or said, something really stupid. The ones you can tell your deepest, darkest thoughts to and they keep it to themselves. The ones who are always there, no matter what time of day or night, to lend an ear or a shoulder.
I have been blessed with three such friends in my life.
Pam is my oldest friend, I've known her since we were both young mums together. We've laughed and cried together many times, over many things. We've helped each other through our divorces, childhood traumas and teenage tantrums. And we can go weeks without seeing each other but pick up our friendship as if we'd met just yesterday.
Then there is Sue. She is a rock that we all cling to. She is one of the craziest people I know, she can make you laugh with just a look, her parties are legendary and she has a knack of cheering up the gloomiest mood. We all send for Sue when we are ill, frightened, miserable or needy. She gives her time, her very sage advice and her help, whenever she is called. But she isn't a pushover by any means. She doesn't suffer fools gladly and she'll tell you straight what she thinks of you. There's no beating about the bush with Sue. I love spending time with her and her husband Alan, who is a perfect foil for her. They fit together so well and balance each other. I've known them for about fourteen years and they are my best friends.
And then there is Helen. She is totally ditzy. She has blonde moments more often than blondes do. But she has the wonderful ability to laugh at herself. She will listen to your troubles and comfort you when you need it. And she will help anybody in any way she can. I value her friendship so much.
These three girlfriends make my life so much richer. I thank the Lord for them and their differences and hope I give them as much pleasure as they give me.

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