Sunday 12 August 2007

Encyclopedia of Me

I saw this on a blog I was reading recently and thought, 'what a great idea.' I'm going to write (or rather TRY and write) something relative to me for each letter of the alphabet. I'm also going to try and do a scrap page to go with as many letters as possible. So here it is:-

A is for Ageing

When I was a teenager I thought anybody who was over 40 was really old, LOL, and here I am aged 46 and still feeling like a teenager (well sometimes). Yes, I am officially middle aged. I have to wear glasses for reading (I never thought that day would come), I don't know any of the popular songs or artists, I'd rather curl up in front of the telly on a Saturday than go out and spending time with friends is all about recipes, grandchildren and the latest bargains at Asda instead of boys, music, fashion and boys.

Here's me from baby to adult.

When I was young, I thought I would rather be dead than old as it seemed so boring but now
I'm here it's anything but boring. I've found that ageing isn't really that bad if you do it properly. I've made many mistakes over the years but I've also learned some lessons that the younger me could have really benefitted from. I now know you can wear comfortable shoes, that look just as good and feel sooo much better than killer heels, on a night out and it won't mean the difference between marriage and spinsterhood. And going out with somebody just because they are handsome/have money/you have nobody else isn't a good idea. The truth is, though, that the young don't appreciate good advice from the old.

But hey, that's a good thing, because making mistakes, even big, hurtful, heartbreaking ones, is what shapes our lives, what gives it the richness, the color and the memories we like to laugh or cry about as we grow older. So ageing can be fun or boring, whichever you want but we all have to do it. I want to grow old disgracefully so I try to keep a sense of the ridiculous in my heart at all times, I laugh at least once a day, mostly at myself, and I try to act like a teenager at least once a week.

But the best thing about ageing is, I get to dispense my wisdom to all the youngsters whether they like it or not.

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